
Games similar to maplestory 2011
Games similar to maplestory 2011games similar to maplestory 2011

My point being that in general, people aren't willing to branch out and talk to strangers, and most socialization is done within established groups, i.e.

games similar to maplestory 2011

I also would like to point out likely none of the new big guilds would exist today by the "how little people socialize" logic.

games similar to maplestory 2011

Not that people were forced to back then. I'm saying if you forced people to party up right now. I don't think anecdotal data of your friend group is a large enough sample size to conclude anything definitively. Even today party quests still create new connections for me and many others.Ĭonsidering a majority of my friends were late teens/adults when playing in the mid 2000's it's just not true. I met my most recent guild through (wait for it) The Amorian Challenge Party Quest (APQ). It instead punishes you if you can't log in for a set amount of hours every day of the week completely alienating the players that only have the time for large hour chunks of play 1 or 2 days a week. People tend to forget that actions speak a lot louder than words at times.Ī lot of people also like to have a casual game that they can just sit down, play, and talk with new people which is the real reason why many of those same people don't play today since the game itself doesn't encourage that kind of gameplay. There was very little communication involved, yet I and many other people made memories + friends from that PQ. It's one of the most memorable PQ's yet the whole PQ was literally just you and a group speed-running it. This "Elitist" mindset has always been a part of the game, and the fact that people try to use it as an excuse as to why the game wouldn't be the same is funny to me since it WAS a part of the game back then, it's just that not everyone chose to play that way because you were not required to play that way to have fun/progress. It technically was faster if you had a group of friends that you had a set time for all of you to log on then quickly track down a channel and try your hardest to spam the pq on that channel as much as possible. Party questing has never been more efficient than grinding mobs due to the uncertainty of whether or not you'd actually gain entry + the time it took to form a party. Nobody was ever "Forced" to party up, people chose to do it as it was a lot more fun to meet new people and spam party quests than it was to grind. The game back then was played by people of all ages, not just kids. Considering a majority of my friends were late teens/adults when playing in the mid 2000's it's just not true. It's an awesome tall tale that's for sure. You can also see the difference in newer vs older FPS's, where all the younger players are willing to immediately add each other after each game in Fortnite, but CS:GO/CoD players just move on to the next match after each game. As people grow older, it's just natural that they're more selective with their friendships. If you brought back everyone who played Maple in those days to the game and had them play it, even in it's pre-Big Bang state, you'd quickly be disappointed by how little people would want to socialize, even if they were forced to party up to PQ together. The Reboot Maple server is still pretty populated, and if you look in the right areas, you can definitely find your own sense of community.Įither way, you also have to realize that part of the charm of 2000s Maple was the fact that we were all children, and didn't care about social norms, and were willing to talk to anyone, especially random strangers on the internet. If you just mean MMORPG, I think WoW still holds the record for most popular. If you mean 2D side-scrolling MMORPG platformer, I think Maple is really the only one left.

Games similar to maplestory 2011